28 de agosto de 2011

Y es que,
no paro de pensar en ti.....


"I used to Think I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought, there are so many people in the world,there must be someone just like me, Who feels bizarre & flawed in the same ways I do...I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out,there thinkg of me too.
Well, I hope that if you are out there,and read this and know that, Yes, It´s True I´m here,
And I´m just as strange as you"
(Frida Kahlo)

27 de agosto de 2011


..." Me seducen las mentes,Me seduce la inteligencia, Me seduce una cara y un cuerpo cuando veo que hay una mente que las mueve,que vale la pena conocer.
Conocer, Poseer, Dominar, Admirar...
La Mente, Hache, yo hago el Amor con las mentes...Hay que follarse a las mentes."

8 de agosto de 2011

The most beautiful story in the world! :)

This is the man who bought this lion as a cub in the 60’s and then when it got too big he let it into the wild. 10 years later it was the alpha male in a nature reserve in Africa and it was really violent. The guy went to see it and it walked up to him and gave him a hug. Aqui os dejo el video (intentad no llorar! ; P)